Marina Short Term Slip Rentals
If you have a longer vessel, you can reserve slips 21 and 22 or slips 23 and 24 at Granisle Marina. However, please note that the cost will be equivalent to renting two slips.
Marina Rules
1. Priority will be given to current Granisle Power Boat Club Members and then to Granisle residents for marina facilities.
2. Entrance and exit speed strictly restricted to DEAD SLOW (no wake).
3. Children are not allowed in Marina unless accompanied by a member.
4. All boats must be secured properly to avoid damage to said boats or surrounding boats.
5. Modifications to docks are to be made only with Boat Club Executive approval.
6. Fenders, cleats and bumpers must be of a type commercially manufactured for that
purpose. Cleats must be secured by 6’ screws over the dock blocks.
7. Members are responsible for notifying the Executives of facilities needing repairs.
8. Absolutely no cooking or barbecuing on the docks.
9. The marina facility is for the private recreational use of club members and their guests.
10. Boats using Club facilities may not be rented out.
11. Members loaning their boats to non members assume responsibility for non-member’s actions.
12. All fish cleaning is to be done in accordance with the British Columbia Freshwater Fishing Regulations.
13. No clutter to be left on marina walkways or slips. This includes gas cans, inflatable water accessories and any other hazards, all ropes used to secure a vessel must be placed in a fashion to prevent tripping hazards.
14. Overnight parking is strictly prohibited in the marina area between 10 pm and 6 am. Please obey all signs and park in the designated area’s. Violation of this may result in corrective action.
I am aware that boating involves many inherent risks, dangers and hazards, including, but not limited to, weathers conditions, changes in wind conditions, equipment failure, encounters with wildlife, variations in water conditions, exposed rocks, trees, docks or other objects. Failure to navigate safely within ones’ own ability and negligence of other boaters. I freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers, hazards, possibly of injury, death, property damage or loss resulting from the actions of myself or my guest(s).

Short Term “A” 20′ Slip
price starting at $20.00 per night
Short Term “B” 22′ Slip
price starting at $30.00 per night
Short Term “B” 24′ Slip
price starting at $40.00 per night
Short Term “B” 26′ Slip
price starting at $50.00 per night
Short Term “A” 24′ Slip
price starting at $40.00 per night
Short Term “B” 16′ Slip
price starting at $15.00 per night